Our World Class team to help you heal and regenerate.
We use a team approach to create specialized care specific to your needs.
Dr. Vitaliy Suprunov BSc. DC
Tabitha Suprunov B.A. B.Ed
Shannon Gerow PSW
Wellness Assistant
Jason Doyle BSc, PT
Registered Physiotherapist
Vestibular Physiotherapy
Emily Peters BPHE, MScPT
Registered Physiotherapist
Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy
Sylvie Levasseur RMT
Registered Massage Therapist
Dr. Veronique Bouzane BScKin, DC,BPS
Aaron Hart BSc, MScPT
Registered Physiotherapist
Emily MacIsaac
Wellness Assistant
Jessica Cantor BA Psych (Hon), RMT
Registered Massage Therapist
Lindsay Boland BPHE, MScPT
Registered Physiotherapist
Pediatric Physiotherapy